Curriculum Lessons for K-2nd GRADE
Next Level Students Curriculum Lessons
“Provided the Building Blocks Needed for a Solid Foundation…”
Our Next Level Students curriculum was created to connect with the youngest and most impressionable minds. Our Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade curriculum comes in a digital format that teaches your student valuable lessons through stories and illustrations!
The Next Level Students Grades K-2 Curriculum provides the building blocks and resources needed to construct a solid foundation for the introduction to social and emotional learning. It also provides the necessary preparation required for the implementation of the comprehensive versions that range from Grades 3-12.
Digital Lessons & Characters your students will LOVE!
The K-2 program’s content is available through online preparatory lessons. These interactive and concise lessons use appropriate and practical methods for the age group. We introduce each lesson through the use of colorful & fun-loving animated characters. Expect your level of student achievement to increase, while behavioral challenges are reduced. Our curriculum uses teacher-friendly lessons, that can be applied in classroom settings with students of various cognitive levels.
CASEL’s Five Core Competencies
The Next Level Students Grades K-2 Curriculum provides SEL instruction centered around the following topics, which not only develops students but also establishes preventative interventions:
Positive Thinking, Responsibility, Goal Setting, Patience, Self-Management, Appreciation, Compassion, Decision-Making, Citizenship, Relationship Skills, Generosity, Self-Confidence, Self-Awareness, and Social-Awareness.
Topics in bold are classified as one of Casel’s Five Core Competencies.
Below is a Sample Lesson…

Curriculum Lessons for 3rd -5th.
“To Help Develop Student Independence…”